AboutQ Creative Services
A Name That Has Become Synonymous With Quality.
It's a whole new world out there, and we helped create it.
Q creative services - the company
We believe that how your message looks Is just as important as what it has to say... maybe even more-so. Be it printed promotional materials, an interactive multimedia presentation or a commercial for broadcast television or web, the effectiveness of your material will either lend itself to (or subtract from), your objective - as well as - how your message is perceived. Let's face it, today with the advent of Social Media, it is easier to direct potential customers to your online facility - but converting those visitors into customers is a whole other challenge.
Q Creative Services has spent years perfecting the art of digital, visual communications - and wrapping all of that business and marketing savvy into one creative, artistic, extremely effective package.
Where were you (and what were you doing) back in 1992? I was a very young designer - and after living In Okinawa Japan for some years, and then attending school in Ohio, I started up my small, graphic design business in Pasadena California. I had just recently returned to Chicago when I was contracted by Alberto Culver as a freelance art director to head up the TCB Bone Straight Hair Awards - and was pretty much responsible for everything - from conception to completion. We pulled it off with flying colors!
Not much later, I went on to become the creative director for SalonSENSE Magazine, where I helped to establish the brand and create the standard for the first fourteen issues of the publication. SalonSENSE went on to became the number one health, hair & beauty trade journal in the country - and while that was a little while ago, not much has changed about us - except for a great deal of new technology.
I think that our greatest attributes have always been in our ability to accurately interpret what our clients need, and in being able to surround ourselves with a plethora of talented, highly qualified people to help us provide it. So, be it Graphic Designers, Creative Directors, Photographers, Social Media Specialists or Musicians - at the end of the day, we're all artists, doing what we do - and because we love what we do - we're very good at it.
MiQuael - creative director
Communication thru visualization; The Graphic Difference
Q Creative Services

Social Media
Target Market: The World

Graphic Design
FrontLine Support Materials